Writing a critique essay
Texas Government Research Paper Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Cancer Treatment Essays (1804 words) - RTT, Ribbon Symbolism
Malignancy Treatment There are numerous approaches to treat malignancy. Indeed, when you enter malignant growth medicines into any internet browser you will discover a large number of sites on how to treat disease. A few instances of these medicines are chemotherapy, oxygen treatment, nutrient D treatment, food treatment, immunotherapy, and numerous others. Particular sorts of treatments go with specific kinds of diseases. For instance, nutrient D treatment goes with bosom disease and immunotherapy goes with colon disease. Disease has ended the lives of a huge number of individuals and I trust it is critical to advise individuals regarding what medicines are flowing in the clinical calling. The human genome's venture will probably guide and grouping the many a great many qualities that make up the human genome (Johnson 222). The venture is supported mutually by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Vitality and has a normal expense of 3 billion dollars (Johnson 222). The venture makes hereditary infections its core interest. More than 500,000 individuals kick the bucket every year in view of malignant growth (Johnson 222). The genome undertaking will have the option to recognize unsafe innate qualities, for example, malignancy and kill them. Subsequently, malignant growth can be forestalled and individuals will live more. Oxygen treatment utilizes the way that the malignant growth infection is anaerobic (Gallcci 2). This implies is that malignancy can as it were live through the nonappearance of oxygen. There have been numerous disease patients who have been restored by oxygen treatment (Gallcci 2). In actuality, presentation to oxygen will slaughter most tumors totally (Gallcci 3). In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg was granted the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his revelation that the reason for malignant growth is an absence of oxygen at the cell level (Gallcci 2). Researchers have removed air from bubbles safeguarded in fossilized golden; when that air was dissected it contained 38 percent oxygen (Gallcci 3). This is significant since the air which we inhale right now has a normal oxygen substance of 21 percent or less (Gallcci 3). An individual can't make due at 7 percent oxygen or on the other hand lower. A technique used to build the degree of oxygen in the body is the utilization of hydrogen peroxide or H202 (Gallcci 3). At the point when hydrogen peroxide is added to the body, the H202 changes into H20 and oxygen (Gallcci 4). The oxygen iota at that point joins to a cell, and levels of oxygen go up right away. Just food grade hydrogen peroxide can be utilized. At that point once it has been weakened it very well may be given intravenously, retained through the skin, or ingested (Gallcci 4). Your primary care physician won't enlighten you regarding this procedure; that is, an American specialist won't. One reason is that there is no money motivation for the clinical business to advance it. In different nations, for example, Germany, Russia, and Cuba it will cost around ten U.S. dollars (Gallcci 4). Nutrient D treatment can bring down the danger of getting bosom disease up to 30% (Smith 16). An examination on almost 5,000 ladies saw this as valid. Correspondingly, ladies who lived in radiant atmospheres had a much lower danger of getting bosom malignant growth (Smith 16). The response to this marvel is nutrient D, which is delivered by the skin when it is presented to daylight. For the full treatment to produce results specialists prescribe presentation to coordinate daylight for about 10 to 15 minutes (Smith 17). There is a fix equation for organ malignant growths. Disease is brought about by a specific parasite (Beckwith 2). It takes 60 days to kill the parasites which cause organ disease (Beckwith 3). When the malignancy is slaughtered it can take up to 180 days to come back to ordinary wellbeing (Beckwith 2). Proof for this parasite has been revealed in each kind of malignant growth known to man (Beckwith 3). More than 100 instances of organ malignant growth were restored utilizing this home grown equation (Beckwith 2). This home grown technique for restoring malignant growths isn't upheld at all by United States specialists for several reasons. For one, the professionals of this home grown treatment ignore logical realities. They don't accept that lung malignant growth is brought about by smoking, colon disease is brought about by a low roughage diet, retinal blastoma is brought about by an uncommon heritited quality, and pancreatic malignant growth is brought about by liquor utilization (Beckwith 4). Additionally, a large number of the individuals which have gone on these home grown weight control plans have kicked the bucket. In this way, there is an a lot higher possibility of somebody biting the dust from utilizing the home grown treatment than having their malignant growth relieved by it. This current treatment's viability likewise changes on the individual's
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market Control Boeing Free Essays
Boeing is no uncertainty a market head in the airplane producing industry with substantial nearness in for all intents and purposes all continents.â This spots Boeing in a superior spot in the market control because of its capacity and potential to impact airplane prices.â Although advertise control for Boeing has not been that simple considering the solid rivalry from contenders, for example, Airbus, for the most part it is Boeing which clearly applies a lot of effect on the cost of airplanes. We will compose a custom paper test on Market Control: Boeing or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Subsequently, Boeing has had the option to join forefront innovation with its market position to further its potential benefit. In spite of the fact that airplane fabricating industry has impressively numerous players, few have a worldwide nearness and can fundamentally have a contribution to the market control.â Boeing happens to be among the couple of players who impact costs. The way that there are moderately a greater number of purchasers of airplanes than there are venders particularly of overwhelming and warrior planes implies that the dealers can without much of a stretch apply showcase control.â Considering this unevenness between quality of purchasers and the control of the makers, Boeing has come up as a market power.â The capacity of Boeing in advertise control isn't just obvious in value control, yet in advancement of new and present day items, for example, hand crafted convenience in the airplanes particularly focusing on the business and traveler fragment of market. Proof of market control of Boeing is found in the emphatically slanted flexibly bend which has portrayed the market costs for Boeing’s items in the past decade.â Market control has affected Boeing particularly thinking about that, the entirety of the elements of the board, for example, arranging; sorting out, organizing and controlling are pegged on advertise performance.â Market control has seen benefits for Boeing balance out which implies the administration of Boeing can deliberately get ready for extension programs and different projects with sureness. With advertise control, it is simpler to assess deals volume with sureness, and in this manner making arrangements for staff needs turns out to be simple for Boeing just as the association of Boeing’s hierarchical structures.â It gets simpler for the administration of Boeing to control its inward procedures just as its outer procedure because of its market control ability.â Market control has made it workable for Boeing to source and keep up profoundly energetic staff because of the way that Boeing has had the option to augment benefits. The market control particularly on airplane costs by Boeing signs the threat of pushing little contenders bankrupt. Because of market control by Boeing, there needs ideal control as Boeing along with a couple of other industry enormous players keep on driving little firms bankrupt and subsequently denying the purchasers the opportunity of decision just as the fulfillment that accompanies the opportunity of choice.â Market control has come about into a close to restraining infrastructure circumstance in the airplane fabricating industry in spite of the fact that in genuine sense, Boeing’s condition is oligopoly. Market control by Boeing has come about into a circumstance whereby, because of absence of numerous potential substitutes, Boeing keeps on applying impact in evaluating, making its costs the absolute generally over the top in the market.â On the other hand, advertise control has seen Boeing develop into an entirely beneficial association hence making advantages to the general public by giving openings for work just as by taking part in sponsorship programs in the general public. Because of the market control component utilized by Boeing, dynamic procedure has gotten simple, as designation is possible.â Market control systems at Boeing has made it workable for the administration at Boeing to execute its sorting out, arranging, organizing and controlling capacities effectively as the market is well disposed, less tempestuous and predictable.â Despite the supported rivalry from Airbus, Boeing still orders showcase control and it ought to have the option to recapture a portion of the piece of the pie it has lost to Airbus in the previous scarcely any years. Reference http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/01/13/aribus_ed3._.php Accessed on 8/4/2007. www.tau.ac.il/~razin/Airbus%20versus%20Boeing%20revisited.doc Accessed on 8/4/2007.   The most effective method to refer to Market Control: Boeing, Essay models
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Open Thread Waitlisted
Open Thread Waitlisted This year well over 18,000 students applied to MIT, the most in our history. Because of the incredible size and strength of the applicant pool we were unable to offer admission to many, many incredible students whom we would love to have on campus. However, we did place some students on our waitlist. We will have more information for waitlisted students in the coming weeks and months about how our process works, what you need to do if you are still interested in MIT, and so forth. In the meantime, you may talk amongst yourselves below. As always, please keep your comments civil and friendly in our community. Open Thread Waitlisted Because of the incredible size and strength of the applicant pool we were unable to offer admission to many, many incredible students whom we would love to have on campus. However, we did place some students on our wait list. Monday, March 16th, we will post more information about our waitlist about how our process works, what you need to do if you are still interested in MIT, and so forth. In the meantime, you may talk amongst yourselves below. As always, please keep your comments civil and friendly in our community. Open Thread Waitlisted Because of the incredible size and strength of the applicant pool we were unable to offer admission to many, many incredible students whom we would love to have on campus. However, we did place some students on our waitlist. Tomorrow, March 15th, we will post more information about our waitlist about how our process works, what you need to do if you are still interested in MIT, and so forth. In the meantime, you may talk amongst yourselves below. As always, please keep your comments civil and friendly in our community. Open Thread Waitlisted Many people applied to MIT this year, and unfortunately we could not accept all of them. We have placed a small number of students on the waitlist. If you would like to be considered for the waitlist, or you want to learn more about it, you can read more here. Some of you may feel happy to be waitlisted. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may have complicated feelings that you dont know what to call; thats okay too. For right now, we just ask that you have a little patience. Post Tagged #Pi Day Open Thread Waitlisted Many people applied to MIT this year, and unfortunately we could not accept all of them. We have placed a small number of students on the waitlist. If you would like to be considered for the waitlist, or you want to learn more about it, you can read more here. Some of you may feel happy to be waitlisted. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may have complicated feelings that you dont know what to call; thats okay too. For right now, we just ask that you have a little patience. Open Thread Waitlisted Many people applied to MIT this year, and unfortunately we could not accept all of them. We have placed a small number of students on the waitlist. If you would like to be considered for the waitlist, or you want to learn more about it, you can read more here. Some of you may feel happy to be waitlisted. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may havecomplicated feelingsthat you dont know what to call; thats okay too. We just ask that you try to have a little patience. Open Thread Waitlisted Many people applied to MIT this year, and unfortunately we could not accept all of them. We have placed a small number of students on the waitlist. If you would like to be considered for the waitlist, or you want to learn more about it, you can read more here. Some of you may feel happy to be waitlisted. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may have complicated feelings that you dont know what to call; thats okay too. For right now, we just ask that you have a little patience.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Problem- Solution to Strangers in Neighborhoods
Everyone dreams of growing up, getting married, having children and raising them in a great neighborhood. They all want to believe that their children are safe in their homes- and that’s how it should be; however, that’s not always the case. People have faith in everyone around them, that everyone is â€Å"just like them†and wouldn’t hurt anyone. Having children should make them more cautious and aware of their surroundings. Everyone should always be prepared for the worst things that can happen-whether or not they do happen. One issue that many neighborhoods have is the fact that so many strangers drive around and are near the children in that area. Having strangers in a safe, family neighborhood has often led to dangerous break-ins. There†¦show more content†¦By adding that little bit of security, and â€Å"shutting out†the strangers would make the homeowners and children feel safer since not just anyone can come into their neighborhood. Adding a gate would not keep every bad thing or person out, but it would decrease the chances of anything severely bad from happening. An alternative option to make the parents feel safer with their kids in their neighborhood would be adding security cameras on every home. Financially, this would cost more than the gate itself, however it would be very practical in case a break-in occurs again. This would be a great tool that the police could use for finding the criminals. Security cameras are a great way of recording everything that happened but also are a way of keeping people out. If people knew they were being watched or even sensed it, they wouldn’t do half the things they already do. By adding cameras it could scare people away so they don’t continually do what is wrong. Once again, just like adding a gate there wouldn’t be a guarantee that this would prevent all bad things from happening; but, it could prevent some things and make the families feel safer. There are many ways of ensuring that people feel safe in their neighborhood. By adding security cameras or a gate at the entrance, you would be increasing the safety of the people. Regardless of the situation, neighborhood or people, everyone should beShow MoreRelatedChild Abduction: Missing Without a Trace1795 Words  | 7 Pagesphysically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The classic form of child abductions is the strange kidnapper. This is a common stereotype and is true in many cases however not all child abductors are strangers, they can be the people closest to you and you don’t even know it (NCIC). One of the main problems that society faces today is child abductions. These child abductions are caused by a multitude of things. 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However, the next layer r eally made Clancy’s costume memorable. He tucked a street sign into his belt and draped a GAP bag from his left pocket. He hung a Coke can from his thigh and pinned a Sunoco gas rebate banner on his right knee. A KFC sign was just above his left kneeRead MoreA Theoretical Perspective On Race Relations Essay1414 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscrimination within a rigid class system that the US economy benefitted off of cheap labor and poor housing markets. Through the use of historical examples, the allocation of class, and race in American society, I was able to realize how intricate of a problem ethnic minorities face to achieve equality. The idea that if blacks and latinos simply started to take after white people, then the wealth, education, and success would soon follow soon diminished, as I realized much of the European immigrant groupsRead MoreI Got Like Sewing Needles1348 Words  | 6 Pagesalive. I smelled beauty and change. I smelled roses and perfume. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Leadership, Leadership And Mobilization Of The Junior Nurses
Nursing profession is a typical sector, which requires effective leadership, as it deals with matter of humanity and life. Leadership in nursing profession should be dynamic and inclusive so as to inspire the team members to a great performance index and to save the lives of the patients through efficient and quality leadership. Several leadership qualities from Abrashoff could be applied into the nursing profession to inspire, motivate, and empower the team members to greater heights of performance level and to ensure that they are satisfied with the level of leadership employed (Nemeth, 2003). To begin with, Abrashoff’s top-down leadership mechanism is nurses need to inspire them, as they will feel empowered and part of the system.†¦show more content†¦Nursing profession requires communicators, since it includes passing information to patients who badly need it. All nursing leadership should aspire to make the nurses feel appreciated by lowering their own stature and reflecting on themselves whether they are really efficient in their roles as leaders. Abrashoff critically analyzed his leadership abilities before taking over at the helm of the USS Benfold, before reflecting on how to change the members of his crew. He knew his weaknesses and appreciated them through fact checking and believing that the challenges can only be squared through collaboration and empowerment. He made all the members of the crew to be important stakeholder by constantly challenging them to find better ways of getting results. He did not like redundancy of the tasks and only wanted the best through collaboration (Abrashoff, 2007). Similarly, leadership in the nursing profession needs to ensure that they critically assess themselves and also facilitate the members of the professional body to help them instill changes. Leadership has to appreciate the roles played by the nurses as key stakeholders. Rules and the policies should be meant to streamline the functions rather than punish the members or limit their instinctive decisions. Articles on Change Concept Several resources are applicable in trying to explore the components of change concept that Abrashoff instilled into his members of the crew, using differentShow MoreRelatedEssay Paper84499 Words  | 338 Pagesthe Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program. Applicability. This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. During mobilization, the Contents proponent may modify chapters and policies contained in this regulation. Chapters 6 and 7 and appendixes E and F apply to Army National Guard Soldiers when on AD Title 10, for 30 days or more, and in all other cases, ArmyRead MoreSSD2 Module 1 Notes31223 Words  | 125 Pagesstandard operating procedure (SOP) by: Determining the SOP purpose and target audience for distribution, Determining the SOP content, Determining the SOP coordination approval requirement, Preparing the final SOP. Communicate effectively at the direct leadership level Methods of Human communication: Verbal or oral, nonverbal and written. Verbal/Oral Communication - This type of communication relies on word, visual aids, and nonverbal elements to convey the meaning. Oral communication includes discussionRead MoreGuidance and Counselling Thesis8290 Words  | 34 PagesMyers (1935) contrasted pupil personnel work and personnel work in industry. 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William Skinner, Leadership and Power in the Chinese Community of Thailand (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1958) applied an American assimilation model to Thailand and has generated numerous refutations. See Chan Kwok Bun and Tong Chee Kiong, eds., Alternate Identities:Read MoreAr 670-1117328 Words  | 470 Pages28). o o o Authorizes the wear of the reverse side full-color U.S. Flag cloth replica on utility and organizational uniforms on a permanent basis (chap 28). o Authorizes leaders in all units, regardless of unit category, the wear of the leadership insignia (chap 28). o Changes the title of the combat leaders identification insignia to leaders identification insignia (chap 28). Changes the title of Commander in Chief and Commanding General to Combatant Commander, as applicable throughoutRead MoreAr 670-1116218 Words  | 465 Pagesuniform regulations do not include sufficient guidance or instruction. It does not apply to generals of the Army, the Chief of Staff of the Army, or former Chiefs of Staff of the Army, each of whom may prescribe his or her own uniform. During mobilization, the proponent may modify chapters and policies contained in this regulation. History. This publication is a rapid action revision (RAR). This RAR is effective 11 June 2012. The portions affected by this RAR are listed in the summary ofRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesStarbucks was not good, and he needed to gain employees’ trust. He wrote, â€Å"I wanted people to feel proud of working at Starbucks, to believe in their hearts that management trusted them and treated them with respect. I was convinced that under my leadership, employees would come to realize that I would listen to their concerns. If they had faith in me and my motives, they wouldn’t need a union.†5 Without the glaring spotlight of being a public company, Schultz was able to experiment and develop
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assess the Usefulness of Functionalism for an Understanding of the Family Free Essays
Assess the usefulness of functionalism for an understanding of the family. Functionalism is a structural theory in that it believes that the social structure of society (social institutions such as economy, education, media, law, religion and family) is responsible for shaping us as individuals. Functionalists are interested in how the family functions for the greater good or society and in particular, how it contributes to maintenance of social order. We will write a custom essay sample on Assess the Usefulness of Functionalism for an Understanding of the Family or any similar topic only for you Order Now Functionalist’s view of families and households is mainly a positive view. In this essay, I will assess the understanding of families and households through a functionalist view. All over the world family life is differs by huge variation and diversity. But in the UK and according to functionalists who take the more traditional view of family believe it should be a small group of people living together, including the mother father and usually two or three children and are biologically related. The children should be the product of romantic love. A famous sociologist George Peter Murdock (1949) defines the family as: â€Å"A social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It should consist of adults of both sexes with at least two who maintain a socially approved relationship, which has created one or more children of their own. Therefore Murdock’s definition is based on the nuclear family – a stereotypical two-generation family made up of a heterosexual couple with dependent offspring. This definition was popular with functionalist sociologists who suggested that this is the ideal type of family which people should aim to have. Murdock’s four key functions are: Stabilisation/regulation of the sex drive (sexual) Reproduction of the next generation (reproductive) Socialisation of the young (educational) Meeting its members’ economic needs, providing food shelter etc (economic) Sociologists criticise Murdocks approach on the family saying it’s to ‘rose-tinted’, which means it’s all a bit pretty and wonderful and he ignores conflict that happens in the family. Feminists believe women are oppressed in the family and Marxists argue the family meeting the needs of capitalism, not the members and society as a whole. Parsons, there is a clear division of labour. According to his studies, the husbands has an â€Å"instrumental role†, he is armed for success at work so that he can provide for his family. Wives on the other hand have an â€Å"expressive role†where they are expected to emotionally support their husbands and children. The male role is economic breadwinner and head of household, whereas the female role is nurturing and childcare. Lastly, the family members receive nurturing and un-conditional love and care from the mother. This nuclear family type, as mentioned above, is seen as the ideal. We see this in wider parts of society such as the media who portray this in such things as advertisements, where there will be a family with a mother who is preparing the food, the male getting ready for work and two or three children. This is known as the ‘cereal packet family’. Functionalist see the family as a primary agent of socialisation, it teaches its members its culture by sharing common norms and values. So functionalist believes the family is crucial to order and created consensus. Another Functionalist, Talcott Parsons (1965) believes the family is a ‘personality factory’ who produces children with shared norms and values and has a strong sense of belonging to society. Another key point functionalists believe the family is crucial for is controlling society daily for example with marriage it keeps sexual relationships under control and monogamous. This is seen as socially acceptable when kept in a heterosexual marriage, so it stops chaos and disorder from unregulated sexual relationships. Parsons argues that a function of the family is that of a stress reliever for the male after a hard day of working, this is known as the ‘warm bath theory’ as all the hardships of modern working life is forgotten. Therefore functionalist sees the family as both beneficial for society and for the individual. But other sociologists such as feminists would argue this, as they believe the family is only serving the needs of men and oppresses women. According to Fran Ansley women are ‘takers of shit’ â€Å"When wives play their traditional role as takers of shit, they often absorb their husbands’ legitimate anger and frustration at their own powerlessness. †This would counter the warm bath theory and suggest males take their anger out on women, rather than see the family as a stress relief from their jobs. This could explain domestic violence. Parsons (1955) the family can perform many functions. The functions that it performs will depend on the needs of society. This is known as the ‘functional fit’ theory. Pre-industrial society = extended family (three generations living under one roof) Industrial society = nuclear family (just parents and dependent children). As society changed, the ‘type’ of family that was required to help society function changed. Industrial society has two essential needs which require a nuclear family to work: A geographically mobile workforce and a socially mobile workforce. Loss of functions ,Parsons also argues that the family in modern society has lost many of its functions as it has become a unit of consumption only (rather than also being a unit of production) This means that in modern society the nuclear family has just two essential or ‘irreducible’ functions: Primary socialisation of children Stabilisation of adult personalities. Sociologists such as Young and Willmott (1973) ; Laslett (1972) argue that the pre-industrial family was nuclear, which defeats all points made by Parsons and why a lot of people don’t believe his argument is very reliable. To conclude I believe that the usefulness of functionalism for understanding the family has become dated, every key point they make can be argued or disproved with actual statistics and fact. I believe it would have been more credible in the mid-1900s where gender roles where a lot more evident and accepted. Also they take the nuclear family as the norm, ideal and most apparent family type in modern society which Is false, and Michael Andersons (1980) research proves Parsons functional fit theory wrong, as the extended family was the structure best equipped to meet the needs of early industrial society, due to the benefits such as older kin looing after children whilst parents worked. Therefore I don’t believe functionalism is very useful to get an overall understanding of every aspect of the family. How to cite Assess the Usefulness of Functionalism for an Understanding of the Family, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Mr. Sun free essay sample
Energy saving at Tumalet Software As the phenomenon of global warming is getting worse, the government is spending much more time and vigor on energy saving. As a result of that, electricity and gas prices are increasing substantially. In order to maintain our successful business and good reputation in the long run, we have to find new ways to reduce our energy costs and minimize the impact of increasing bill prices on our operation. There are three main suggestions that I have made based on some researches and findings. Firstly, we can encourage staff to work from home; secondly, we may plant some grass on the roof; thirdly, we could contribute more money to carbon-offset projects. Based on the findings of our researching team, 27 percent of energy consumption in our office building is heating; cooling and office equipment are both holding 25 percent; 17 percent of it is lighting and the rests are ventilation and cookin. We will write a custom essay sample on Mr. Sun or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is obviously that we have spent most of our money on electricity and gas for heating, cooling, office equipment and lighting. If we could encourage our staff work from home, our electricity and gas spending would be reduced since less people are using energy at their offices. As cooling and heating are the most energy consuming activities, we shall plant grass on our roof to build up our own natural insulation. Moreover, it is found that US Green Business Council gobble up over one-third of energy produced in the US, and account for 38 percent of all carbon-dioxide emissions and 30 percent of the energy consumed in office buildings is wasted1. These figures remind us that our company may have the same problem too. Not just consider our company profits, we should also think of the earth. If we keep abusing energy, human beings will definitely lose the right to live on the earth one day. In other words, we are killing our children. According to ‘California utility expands rebates’, Pacific Gas Electric is expanding a program that provides financial incentives for companies to cut their energy use2. This is a good opportunity for us to save energy costs. During the past five years, our company has spent half million dollars in energy projects and which have saved us $600,0003. The total return on investment of contributing to those projects is 120 per cent. It is therefore highly recommended in our future operation. Contributing to energy projects not only can save us money, but also can help building our eco-friendly reputation which will benefit our company in the long run. According to the above, abuse of energy is a significant contrast with the current environment. Stop wasting and start saving is the most important task now. Not only because of saving money, but also we have to protect the entire environment. As 96 percent of the energy is used in cooling, heating, equipment and lighting, and 30 percent of them are probably wasted, we should cut our energy costs as much as possible. By doing that, our company profit will be increased by less bill payments and contributing to energy projects can provide us financial incentives. In the long run, our company Tumalet Software might be known as an eco-friendly company and our good reputation image will bring us more benefits than we can think of. Following are some recommendations: a) Enabling staff to work from home. Department managers can have a meeting together to make up a timetable for those staffs who are not necessarily working in the office. However, managers are entitled to make video calls to them to make sure if they are working properly. As less people will be using the office building, we may consider rent out few levels to save some money. In this way, energy costs are reduced and rent payment can be received. b) Planting grass and other plants on the roof. If our building roof is covered by grass or other plants, the roof will act as natural insulation and keep the building warm and thus heating bills can be reduced. Higher level managers can pick up a date of every month and arrange a department to maintain the roof plants. Staffs may imperceptibly perceive that they have the responsibility to save energy and protect the environment. c) Contributing money to carbon-offset projects. Carbon-offset projects are various. For example, we can arrange work buses to pick up staffs from different suburbs instead of providing them petrol refund. Providing petrol refund is not much difference from that our company is consuming the equal amount of petrol and thus emission of carbon-dioxide produced. We can also organize Company Planting Day twice a year to encourage staffs plating more trees and other plants. Staffs may get to know more about the current environment as well as getting lots of fun.
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